Fudo One stores all recorded servers access sessions, allowing to playback, review, comment, share, and delete from the system instance.

Sessions management page allows filtering stored user sessions, accessing current users connections and downloading stored sessions from the backup places. It also provides status information on each session, enables or disables data retention and gives access to session sharing options.


Contents of the session list depend on the logged in user’s access rights. Being able to access a given session requires having management privileges to: server, account, user and safe objects that were used in the given connection.

There is a list of icons in the Sessions list, which indicate a specific action for the session:

playStart session playback
padlockSession excluded from the retention mechanism.
login reasonPurpose why the user has connected to the server.
tagSession has been commented.
full-text searchSession has been processed for full-text search purposes.
shareAccess session sharing management options.
backupSession has a backup version stored outside of system instance.
Session Management

Session Management

Fudo One allows performing a number of actions to the recorded as well as active sessions:

  • Filtering sessions by protocol, user, server, status, etc,
  • viewing sessions in player,
  • pausing live session,
  • terminating live session and blocking its user,
  • joining live session,
  • sharing session and revoking,
  • commenting session,
  • manage session data retention,
  • restoring backup version of the session,
  • deleting session from the system instance.